Friday 9 October 2015


Tokyo... a place of big buildings, salarymen and turbo-charged efficiency! Whether your in Japan as a national or foreigner, a student or worker, an Umeshu drinker or a Nikka whisky drinker, at times you can get lost in the huge array of lights in the night-time or among the sea of suited & booted company employees, so Japan has many traditional and beautiful past time hobbies that you can indulge in, I picked up a rod a few days ago at one of many fishing shops in Tokyo, I used to go fishing pretty much every summer so I'm not a complete newbie. You can fish at your local river or perhaps a pond, I tried both places out and had luck at the river as I caught about 8 fish all together in 2 days but it was 2 long hours of doing nothing until I caught one!

Although I had no luck at the pond the other day, the Autumn weather was nice and I managed to take a few cool pictures:

 So here's how I set up my fishing rod sometimes; resting against a fence...

Here's a Dragonfly that let me take a close up pic, these are very common
 in Japan when the weather is good.

There was a guy with a tiny rod
 (that sounds so wrong!), he was catching 
tiny fish with it (surprisingly...), he let me
 take a few pics of the fish and whilst I was
 doing so he managed to catch one, it's not very
 clear but there a little fella attached to a hook.

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